I’m feeling a bit lost when it comes to interviews, especially since I don’t have a portfolio to show my work. I’m also not sure how to build a strong portfolio.

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Ace your UX job interview with this 5-step strategy

Step 1: Know who YOU are
Step 2: Cultivate confidence
Step 3: Ask good questions
Step 4: Tell your Story
Step 5: Communicate Genuinely but Clearly
I wrote an article that dives deeper into each step:
How I ace UX job interviews with these 6 tips:
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How to build a strong portfolio:

3 things you should include in your portfolio:

1. Who you are — Your background & motivations.
2. What you can do — The different skills & roles practised on various projects.
3. How you think and design — To understand how you approach problems.

Checklist to build an experienced portfolio

💡 Must-haves:

Homepage / About — a concise introduction
UX case studies x 3
Contact information — email address, phone number, etc.
Links to Resume, LinkedIn, and other sources (Medium, Dribbble, etc.)

🌟 A portfolio must be:

Personal — Who you are, your education & experience, what makes you different
Accessible — Link to download or access online, good color contrast
Aesthetic — Visually pleasing and consistent
Usable — Easy-to-navigate, easy-to-understand writing
Highlights — Your 3-5 best case studies, side projects

Portfolio freebies you should check out:


Learn to write an engaging case study ⤵️

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