It feels like all the UX case studies are starting to look the same. How can I make mine stand out and not feel so boring?

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Making your UX case study stand out

A lot of case studies look the same, and it’s mostly because their titles are boring.
Here’s a quick hack to make yours stand out: Focus on highlighting the impact right in the title.
I like to think of it like a YouTube video.
Your case study title should hook the reader in, just like a great YouTube thumbnail grabs your attention.
It should make them want to click and learn more.
For example, a title like "I saved the world with this button"... Yeah, I’d definitely click on that!

Why designers having problem highlighting the impact in the title?

Many designers struggle with highlighting the impact in their titles, and the reason could be:
  • They don’t have access to the data.
  • They aren’t sure how to measure success.
  • They haven’t even launched the project yet.

How to Overcome These Challenges:

1) Work with Available Data:

Don’t have direct data? No problem. Talk to stakeholders who do.
Use feedback or even anecdotal evidence to highlight the intended impact—like improving user flow or increasing engagement.

2) Define Success Early On:

Even without data, set clear goals—What does success look like for your project?
Whether it’s reducing bounce rates or improving usability, define it so you have a way to measure impact later.

3) Collaborate with Your Team:

Work closely with product managers or developers.
They might have data you don’t, and their input can help you tell a stronger story about the impact.

4) Focus on the Outcome:

If your project hasn’t launched yet, still focus on what you aim to achieve.
For example: instead of "Increased user engagement by 20%," try "How we’re improving user engagement with this new feature."

5) Use User Stories or Feedback:

Even if the project isn’t fully launched, early user feedback or team reactions can help.
Highlight positive comments to show the potential impact.

Learn to write an engaging case study ⤵️

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