What if a UX project lacks clear success metrics or they're ambiguous? How can designers effectively highlight the impact in their case study?

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Highlighting impact in UX case studies without metrics

Metrics in your portfolio are important because they show:
  1. You understand how your work impacts the business.
  1. Assess success, not just through design (usability, satisfaction, etc.), but in terms of business goals.
What you’re looking for is leading indicators that your design made impact.

You can think about some other numerical impacts for the project:

  • Spoke X number of users
  • Design X number of screens
  • Received X number of positive reviews
  • Anything that's quantifiable—which implies the project was impactful

If you don’t have hard numbers to show, try these alternatives:

  • Reference other indicators like improved user test results
  • Highlight increased efficiency, like saving time for engineering
  • Point to reduced customer support workload as a result of your work

Keep in mind, businesses value impact in two ways:

  • Increasing revenue (e.g., driving sales)
  • Saving resources (e.g., optimising processes)

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